Que scripsit scripta, sua manus sit benedicta.Anno domini M°CCCCC°xxiiij scripsi ego, soror Cecilia Hughen, hunc librum cum fauore venerabilis domine nostre A R, anno etatis mee XXIII°.Que librum istum post obitum meum possederit, oret amore Ihesu et Marie pro scriptrice
Conversations on Enclosure
Since the publication of ‘The Life of Nuns’ which is open access available via Open Book Publishers, there have been a number of reactions to it from a wide variety of people, academic colleagues as well those interested in the
Liebe und Freundschaft im Frauenkloster
Am 25. März 2025 wird die Taschenbuchausgabe der ‘Unerhörten Frauen’ bei Ullstein erscheinen. Darin wird auch das zusätzliche Kapitel zu ‘Liebe und Freundschaft’ erscheinen, das für die englische Version erstellt wurde. Im Vorgriff darauf erscheint hier alsAuszug der dritte Teil
Medinger Handschriften in Hamburg
Call for Papers: Neue Ansätze zur Erforschung der Andachts- und Handschriftenkultur 2007 fand an der Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek Hamburg, unter Leitung des damaligen Handschriftenreferenten Hans-Walter Stork, eine Ausstellung statt ‘Von Frauenhand. Handschriften aus Kloster Medingen’, die den Auftakt zu einer
The Life of Nuns
Love, Politics, and Religion in Medieval German Convents ‘The Life of Nuns’ is open access available via Open Book Publishers https://www.openbookpublishers.com/books/10.11647/obp.0397For a 20% discout on paper copies, use the code LONHL_24 Listen to a podcast about the volume on ‘Gone
Poster Presentation on Medieval Convent Education
Carolin Gluchowski writes: I am pleased to announce that my poster, “Female Spaces of Learning: A Glimpse Behind Medieval Convent Walls,” was awarded first place at the conference “Women and Worlds of Learning in Europe: From the Medieval to the
Nox Auriflua. Illuminating Easter with a Medingen Prayerbook
A blog post written by Marlene Schilling for the auction house Dr. Jörn Günther Rare Books on their newly acquired Medingen prayerbook (sigla JG), 24 March 2024. All images courtesy of Dr. Jörn Günther Rare Books Right at the beginning
Singing from Medingen Manuscripts in the Bodleian Library
As part of the Oxford International Song Festival’s 2023 strand ‘Artistic Manuscripts’, liturgical music from the Medingen manuscripts in the Bodleian Library was featured at St Edmund Hall on 19 October 2023. The event was named Goostly Psalmes since it
Unerhörte Frauen! Book on Medieval Nuns Published
Unerhörte Frauen. Die Netzwerke der Nonnen im Mittelalter, a new book on the networks of the nuns in the Middle Ages by Henrike Lähnemann and Eva Schlotheuber, presents the world of the religious women in their own voices and art works, unlocking rich resources, particularly from late medieval Northern German convents.
The Letters of the Medingen Abbesses in the Lüne Letter-Books
On 16-19 March 2023, a special conference ‘Frauen der Hanse‘, organised by the ‘Netzwerk Hansekultur’, took place at Kloster Medingen, to discuss the role women played in the Hanseatic League. In honour of the place as well as of the