The SUB Hamburg has uploaded five manuscripts from the Cistercian Abbey of Medingen to the DFG-viewer.
Hamburg Medingen Manuscripts Online!

The SUB Hamburg has uploaded five manuscripts from the Cistercian Abbey of Medingen to the DFG-viewer.
Henrike Lähnemann took part in a webinar series organised by the ICON (The Institute of Conservation) Paper Conservation group, talking about parchment recycling in the dresses from Wienhausen.
Interactive maps of the Libraries holding Medingen Manuscripts originally developed by Micah Goodrich, University of Connecticut, for the seminar on ‘The Nuns’ Manuscripts‘ Heatmap of Medingen ManuscriptsLight to Dark Blue: Location of the Manuscripts in 1542 (After the Reformation Relocation)Yellow
Henrike Lähnemann (Professor of Medieval German Literature and Linguistics) talks about how the Polonsky German project helps her to edit the manuscripts from the Cistercian Abbey of Medingen (Northern Germany). Featured websites: Polonsky German project:, Medingen manuscripts:, Latin dictionary:, Website
Reblogging from #PolonskyGerman, the digitisation project between the HAB Wolfenbüttel and the Bodleian Library Oxford, originally posted on 6 December 2019: We’re delighted to be sharing a post from a sibling blog, History of the Book, written by participants in
Philipp Heil (Hildesheim) explores the significance of the depth of wormholes in the leather-covered boards of the late medieval prayer-book Dombibliothek Hildesheim Ms J 29. The prayer-book was written in 1478 by the Cistercian nun Winheid von Winsen in the
In the week before Christmas 2018, I had the chance of consult two key manuscripts from the Medingen corpus in the Cathedral Library of Hildesheim which are going to be digitised as part of the #PolonskyGerman project. The Director of the library, PD Dr Monika Suchan, kindly allowed me to experiment with capturing the materiality of these in a series of short video clips.
I recently was asked by a group of students from UCL to contribute to their research blog, the ingeniously named knowitwall, contributing a post on my research on the Medingen manuscripts under the title Opening Medieval Manuscripts. I found the
PhD student Kerstin Herdman has identified another Psalter from Medingen at the Beinecke Library, Yale, MS 1194. She writes: “The Beinecke fragment has 81 folia and begins in the middle of the psalter. Any calendar or texts outside the psalms
Auf den Spuren klösterlicher Textarbeit Arbeitsgespräch im Kloster Wienhausen, 5./6. September 2016 Programm Montag, 5. September 9.00 Begrüßung 9.15-9.45 Simone Schultz-Balluff Textzustände und Wissenswelten: Spurensuche in Kloster Wienhausen Verwalten und Kommunizieren 9.45-10.15 Wolfgang Brandis Die mittelalterlichen Textzeugen: Zur besonderen Überlieferungssituation