Polonsky Project BODcasts 1: Editing Medingen Manuscripts

Polonsky Project BODcasts 1: Editing Medingen Manuscripts

Henrike Lähnemann (Professor of Medieval German Literature and Linguistics) talks about how the Polonsky German project helps her to edit the manuscripts from the Cistercian Abbey of Medingen (Northern Germany). Featured websites: Polonsky German project: https://hab.bodleian.ox.ac.uk, Medingen manuscripts: http://medingen.seh.ox.ac.uk/, Latin dictionary: https://logeion.uchicago.edu/vale, Website

Filming at the Dombibliothek Hildesheim

Filming at the Dombibliothek Hildesheim

In the week before Christmas 2018, I had the chance of consult two key manuscripts from the Medingen corpus in the Cathedral Library of Hildesheim which are going to be digitised as part of the #PolonskyGerman project. The Director of the library, PD Dr Monika Suchan, kindly allowed me to experiment with capturing the materiality of these in a series of short video clips.