Call for Papers: Neue Ansätze zur Erforschung der Andachts- und Handschriftenkultur 2007 fand an der Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek Hamburg, unter Leitung des damaligen Handschriftenreferenten Hans-Walter Stork, eine Ausstellung statt ‘Von Frauenhand. Handschriften aus Kloster Medingen’, die den Auftakt zu einer
Nox Auriflua. Illuminating Easter with a Medingen Prayerbook
A blog post written by Marlene Schilling for the auction house Dr. Jörn Günther Rare Books on their newly acquired Medingen prayerbook (sigla JG), 24 March 2024. All images courtesy of Dr. Jörn Günther Rare Books Right at the beginning
Unerhörte Frauen! Book on Medieval Nuns Published
Unerhörte Frauen. Die Netzwerke der Nonnen im Mittelalter, a new book on the networks of the nuns in the Middle Ages by Henrike Lähnemann and Eva Schlotheuber, presents the world of the religious women in their own voices and art works, unlocking rich resources, particularly from late medieval Northern German convents.
Funding Success for The Nuns’ Network
The Gerda Henkel Stiftung just announced its decision to fund The Nuns’ Network project for another 36 months (until May 2025), making it possible to edit the full extent of the impressive letter collections from the Benedictine convent of Lüne.
From Medingen / St Albans with Love: A Tale of Two Psalters
My talk for the Medieval Summer at St Alban’s Cathedral: From Medingen with Love. Medieval Manuscripts travelling through Europe traced the criss-crossing of manuscripts between Germany and England and discussed their transition from devotional to antiquarian objects. As preparation for
Wanted: Gregorian Chant Recordings!
“I’m currently making a video for Bodleian Library and looking for singers who would be prepared to record and send me a virtual choir clip to be featured in the film about the Polonsky German digitisation project. The film (working title:
Additional Easter Prayerbook Online: LB Hannover Ms. I 74
The Medingen text production happened as part of textual exchange between the nuns of the convent and beyond; the modern equivalent is the exchange between scholars: as a follow-up from Carolin Gluchowski and myself presenting on the ‘Salve festa dies’
Bibliography added
The bibliography is work-in-progress. It is mainly based on the bibliography in the volume Ulrike Hascher-Burger and Henrike Lähnemann, ‘Liturgie und Reform‘, Tübingen 2013. Open access articles will be added in due course. Please report errors and additional publications via