Vortrag von Henrike Lähnemann und Andrew Dunning (Oxford) für die Tagung ‘Bibeldichtung. Narratologische Perspektiven auf eine europäische Tradition’ Wie lassen sich Geschichten aus der Bibel erzählen, so dass sie für ein Hier und Heute relevant werden? Bibeldichtung ist eine Antwort
A Light and a Glory. Singing Music for Candlemas from Medingen During Lockdown
A guest blog by Nick Swarbrick (Oxford Brookes University). Nick is an Affiliate of the School of Education, lecturing in a variety of areas from spirituality to children’s literature Candlemas is nearly here again, and provides an opportunity for me to
From Medingen / St Albans with Love: A Tale of Two Psalters
My talk for the Medieval Summer at St Alban’s Cathedral: From Medingen with Love. Medieval Manuscripts travelling through Europe traced the criss-crossing of manuscripts between Germany and England and discussed their transition from devotional to antiquarian objects. As preparation for
Teaching Medingen Manuscripts as Objects
As part of an interdisciplinary seminar organised by Prof. Julia von Ditfurth on “Objects” in medieval studies for MARS (Middle Ages & Renaissance Studies) at Freiburg University, I taught a class on the Medingen manuscripts as cultural objects, in conjunction
Manuscripts Live: Singing from Medieval Sources in the Bodleian Library
Tuesday 6 July 2021, 18:00-19:00 via zoom. Building on the success of Gregorian chant workshops with manuscripts from the Bodleian Library, a group of Oxford medievalists are offering insights into working with manuscripts during lockdown. Meet some of the manuscripts from the
Norddeutsche Nonnen-Netzwerke digital und medial
Vortrag von Henrike Lähnemann auf Einladung von Michael Rupp am 29. Juni 2021, 18 c.t. / 5pm BST Handout mit dem Text eines der Briefe aus Kloster Lüne aus den 1490er Jahren (Brief 219 [Lage 16, f. 9v/10r]: Die Lüner
‘Salve festa dies’ Variations in the Medingen Prayer-Books
Contribution for the online conference ‘Hymnus und Gebet’ The handout is available in two forms: as pdf and as “podcast” which makes the Latin and Middle Low German texts more accessible by reading them out aloud; this does not claim
Lumen ad revelacionem – A Medingen Chant for Candlemas
Listen to a sermon for Candlemas linking the Canticle to a Medingen illumination from the Oxford Psalter The Medingen nuns sang a special version of the ‘Nunc Dimittis’ for Candlemas. Learn more about it in this workshop on the Canticle
Inaugural Lecture Online
Henrike Lähnemann’s Inaugural Lecture for the Chair in Medieval German Literature and Linguistics on The Materiality of Medieval Manuscripts took place on 21 January 2016, in the Lecture Theatre of the Taylor Institution, followed by a reception, 6pm. Now online! See